Police Tuesday were investigating whether hackers who took over several police websites Tuesday acted in response to the Koh Tao murders court decision that has been widely protested in Myanmar. At least five sites had their home pages replaced with a black-and-white message saying “Failed Law, We want Justice”, an apparent reference to the death…
The hackers also posted a number of photos, including ones with the Turkish flag and plane with captions in English and Turkish MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. Turkish hackers defaced Instagram account of Russian Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov. Information on the account having been hacked by…
THE HAGUE — A 29-year-old Briton was arrested today (Jan 1) at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport after he claimed he was carrying explosives, prompting the temporary evacuation of a departure lounge, Dutch media reported. “We first checked if the man had anything on him … then we searched his bags with dogs. We found nothing and…