WikiLeaks ถูกโจมตี เปลี่ยนหน้าเว็บโดย OurMine


OurMine is in headlines once again—this time for defacing WikiLeaks website. The notorious hacking group, OurMine, is known for breaching into high-profile figures and companies’ social media accounts, including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, HBO, Game of Thrones and Sony’s PlayStation Network (PSN). According to screenshots circulating on Twitter, the official website of WikiLeaks has reportedly been defaced by…

Remotely Exploitable Flaw Puts Millions of Internet-Connected Devices at Risk


Security researchers have discovered a critical remotely exploitable vulnerability in an open-source software development library used by major manufacturers of the Internet-of-Thing devices that eventually left millions of devices vulnerable to hacking. The vulnerability (CVE-2017-9765), discovered by researchers at the IoT-focused security firm Senrio, resides in the software development library called gSOAP toolkit (Simple Object Access Protocol) — an…