Flaw in Popular Transmission BitTorrent Client Lets Hackers Control Your PC Remotely


A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the widely used Transmission BitTorrent app that could allow hackers to remotely execute malicious code on BitTorrent users’ computers and take control of them. The vulnerability has been uncovered by Google’s Project Zero vulnerability reporting team, and one of its researchers Tavis Ormandy has also posted a proof-of-concept attack—just 40…

Security flaws put virtually all phones, computers at risk


FRANKFURT/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Security researchers on Wednesday disclosed a set of security flaws that they said could let hackers steal sensitive information from nearly every modern computing device containing chips from Intel Corp, Advanced Micro Devices Inc and ARM Holdings. One of the bugs is specific to Intel but another affects laptops, desktop computers,…

How to use data forensics to secure enterprise networks


The three key stages of the security lifecycle are prevention, detection and remediation. Why state the obvious? Because something is seriously skewed in how enterprises currently approach security and in particular, security spending. First there is prevention, which includes tools such as antivirus software and firewalls to keep the enemy at the gates. Detection involves…