The Dark and Light Sides of Latest Drone Technology


HOUSTON, TEXAS – Drones, the small flying machines carrying cameras, have become a modern-day blessing and a curse for law enforcement and scientists. “The thing that can kind of keep you up at night is somebody using it to harm people. We’ve seen that already,” said Larry Satterwhite, Houston Police Department’s assistant chief over homeland security.…

Australia Disrupts Plot to ‘Bring Down an Airplane’


CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA —  Police disrupted a terrorist plot to bring down an airplane and arrested four men Saturday in raids on homes in several Sydney suburbs, the prime minister said. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Sunday that security had been increased at Sydney Airport since Thursday because of the plot. The increased security measures had…

Remotely Exploitable Flaw Puts Millions of Internet-Connected Devices at Risk


Security researchers have discovered a critical remotely exploitable vulnerability in an open-source software development library used by major manufacturers of the Internet-of-Thing devices that eventually left millions of devices vulnerable to hacking. The vulnerability (CVE-2017-9765), discovered by researchers at the IoT-focused security firm Senrio, resides in the software development library called gSOAP toolkit (Simple Object Access Protocol) — an…